Course Catalog




Michael Ellis

Course Level



240 Video clips - 19 Hours of Video Total



Basic Catches in the Bite Suit

with Mark Keating


Mark Keating

Course Level



Catching dogs on a suit is the ultimate goal of anyone learning to do decoy work. The skills taught in this course will give you insight into how to properly absorb the impact of a dog being sent off leash from a distance.




Michael Ellis

Course Level



This is the first part of the Michael Ellis Behavior Creation Course, a comprehensive course on learning theory, behavior creation principles, and equipment.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



Dog aggression is one of the most common behavioral problems with dogs. Ed Frawley has been training dogs for over 60 year, he has put over 200 videos in this course that was released in April 5th 2023




Michael Ellis

Course Level



This $250 course will consist of video footage and concepts presented at Michael Ellis' three day seminar at Leerburg in December 2019, which was organized according to the way Michael teaches his classes at his school for dog trainers in California. Concepts are demonstrated by dogs at different ages and levels of training who were pre-selected by Michael based on handler-submitted videos to ensure they would be a good fit for each lecture concept.




Michael Ellis

Course Level



Learn the ins and outs of engagement in this micro course. Michael Ellis talks about engagement principles and the importance of sustained engagement in dog training.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



The goal of this course is a calm, submissive dog. Our pack structure training program aims to produce a dog that is calm and submissive and a dog that follows the rules of the pack leader. This course teaches people how to become a pack leader that their dog respects and loves.



Finishing Work

with Michael Ellis


Michael Ellis

Course Level



This course will cover how to prepare your dog for any type of competition. The course will teach people who train with markers (conditioned reinforcement) how to wean their dog off food rewards and/or toy rewards in preparation for taking their dog into any dog sport competition. This is an extremely important skill to learn because to do it correctly and still maintain motivation and drive is an art form.



Focused Heeling

with Michael Ellis


Michael Ellis

Course Level



Michael's motivational system of training dogs is based on marker training. The foundation for the work in Focused Heeling is covered in our two earlier videos/courses that were done with Michael, The Power of Training Dogs with Food and The Power of Playing Tug with Your Dog. You will benefit from working through these courses before starting focused heeling training. If you are interested in learning how to teach your dog focused heeling whether for competition or as a useful everyday skill this course will give you the information you need to accomplish that goal.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



This course is the next step or level for trainers who have taken our Basic Dog Obedience course. In Basic Obedience we covered the foundation for our reward based training system. Now in our Intermediate course you will now learn how to use those skills to train a number of important and useful behaviors that will be used in daily life.



Leash Skills

with Michael Ellis


Michael Ellis

Course Level



The majority of dog owners only use their leash when taking their dog for a walk. A large number of those people are being pulled down the street each and every time they attempt to walk their dog. No one enjoys this experience, which is why we have produced this course on how to use your leash as a tool to communicate with your dog. Through a process called "leash pressure," we can teach the dog how to politely walk on the leash by implementing the skill we call "Loose Leash Walking."




Michael Ellis

Course Level



Luring is the first skill to teach dogs before behavior creation. This course has 54 videos (a total of 3 1/2 hrs) in which Michael Ellis's step by step program can teach anyone to lure like a pro.




Tyler Muto

Course Level



In this workshop, Tyler will emphasize the importance of softness and the value of creating a cooperative and mutually respectful relationship. Tyler will help trainers develop the skills necessary to train dogs effectively, gently and compassionately when the effects of reward based techniques are limited. The workshop will primarily focus on the use of body language, leash pressure, and the electronic collar, and will emphasize both the core principles that underlie all of these tools, along with the specific mechanics required for each.




Michael Ellis

Course Level



This course focuses on the topic of puppy socialization and the skills and information you will need to set your puppy up for success with the first 6 months of your puppy's life.




Michael Ellis

Course Level



If you're already using marker training but are struggling with your dog performing behaviors they've already learned, this micro course is for you. You'll learn the importance of reinforcement schedules and how to create durable behaviors.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



Remote collars are one of the best dog training tools ever invented. They are also one of the most abused dog training tools ever invented. This course will teach you how to use low-level stimulation to train your dog. Many dogs can work at levels humans can't even feel. Ed Frawley bought his first remote collar in 1978. In this course, you will benefit from years of his remote collar training experience. He refers to remote collars as "Your Invisible Leash."




Michael Ellis

Course Level



This video is an in-depth, step by step study of Michael's system on establishing the foundation of biting skills without a helper or decoy. Trainers only need a friend or family member that will handle a bite wedge, a bite tug or a high value toy to assist them in rewarding correct behavior.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



This course will cover the drives of protection training in detail. We see how these drives are effected by the dogs nerves. You will learn how to identify individual drive thresholds on your dog and then how to use that information to develop a step by step training program tailored for a young dog. Because each dog has different drive levels and every dog has different nerve levels, we cannot train any 2 dogs the same way. This course helps the viewer identify the needs of his dog and then develop a program tailored to that dog.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



This course is intended to help new (and old) trainers alike. Many experienced trainers get caught up in traditional sport dog training, which is weak in the defensive areas of training. This video will help all trainers recognize and get a dog started in the training of its defensive drive. The goal of the training is to bring a young dog further along in its fight drive development.




Michael Ellis

Course Level



This course covers training puppies that are 8 weeks through adolescence. Adolescence varies from dog to dog. As general rule adolescence ends between 12 months to 16 months of age. From a training standpoint we detail the work up through teaching a young dog to bite leg sleeves. So in reality this course teaches trainers how to train young puppies on up to young dogs that are 12 to 16 months old. At the end of the training in this course the dogs will be ready to go onto a body bite suit or they will be ready to learn advanced training skills and exercises that are needed in the biting dog sports.




Michael Ellis

Course Level



Not all dogs like to play tug. Some dogs have never had their play drive developed and some had it squelched by a handler with little experience. Michael addresses solutions to both of these issues. He explains how different sizes, textures, and types of tugs effect drive levels in dogs. He explains how to increase prey drive through proper tug selection and presentation.




Michael Ellis

Course Level



56 Videos | 2 hours on The Power of Training Dogs with Food by Michael Ellis. This material in this online course was produced in 2007. While the old course contained good information it was 17 years old and needed to be updated and expanded. The new course was done by Ed Frawley and has 120 videos and is 5 1/2 hours long. This is almost 3 times the amount of information that was in the original course.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



This course was released in 2024. It replaced the course I produced in 2005. Everyone who purchased the 2005 course will have access to this 2024 update. The original course was 1 hr 20 Mn this new course is over 4 hours long. I have gone into much more detail not only on how to learn markers but also how to apply them in behavior creation. I have included a number of student videos, so the viewer will not only see a trained dog you will see dog/handlers making mistakes that we all make.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



Our online course is much more than just using treats to train your dog. The 5 & 1/2 Hr course has over 120 videos that will teach you how to use high-value food rewards to build a communication system between you and your dog. Our course is about using rewards to teach behaviors and build a better relationship with your dog. If you follow the training steps in this course you will end up with a dog that looks forward to your training session.



Training the Send Away

with Michael Ellis


Michael Ellis

Course Level



This course will cover all of the foundation skills needed to train the send away for competition as well as some common challenges trainers may face and techniques to troubleshoot those challenges.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



This course has 93 videos and is over 6 hours long. The come command is not a conditional behavior. This means when the training is finished, the dog doesn't get to choose whether or not it wants to obey. It learns that it must come every time or there will be meaningful consequences. This is the only command we approach in this manner.




Michael Ellis

Course Level



This course was not designed for pet dog owners. We assume the trainer for this course are more advanced and their dogs have been trained and finished in tug play. In 2023 Ed Frawley produced a detailed step by step 5 hour course for family dog owners titled TEACHING YOUR DOG TO COME by Ed Frawley.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



In this course you will learn how professional dog trainers (Ed Frawley and Cindy Rhodes) use reward based training methods to raise puppies that will live in their home. The course has 105 short videos.






Michael Ellis

Course Level



The information in this course will change the way you approach a relationship with your dog.




Michael Ellis

Course Level



This micro course focuses on teaching your puppy food chase games to use in pre-emptive management, recall, and rewards. These games are the foundations of training with food.



$450.00 $225.00

K-9 Detector Dog Training

Detection Dog Training


Kevin Sheldahl

Course Level



Combining proven technique with modern technique. We use tried and true methodology and modernize it for a broad audience of practitioners.




Michael Ellis

Course Level



This course contains over 4 hours of lecture from Michael Ellis's on leash reactivity. It is important that trainers who are considering this course understand that this course is 4 hours of lecture, it does not contain dog work. If seeing dog work is important to you we would recommend our course we did with Tyler Muto titled LEASH REACTIVITY WITH TYLER MUTO




Michael Ellis

Course Level



This is a Remote Collar Master Class taught by Michael Ellis with 10 hours of content on introducing pressure, aversives, and corrections to your dog in clear and concise way.



The Foundation of Nosework

Part 1 of Andrew Ramsey Nosework


Andrew Ramsey

Course Level



This course covers a foundation for nosework with your dog taught by trainer Andrew Ramsey. Nosework is a new dog sport where individuals can train their household pet to detect legal odors. It is 100% motivational training and has absolutely no corrections at any level of work.

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The Heeler's Toolbox I / Beginner

Foundation Skills and Concepts for the Competetive Heeling Team


Forrest Micke

Course Level



The first class in this 3-part series (Beginner) exposes students to groundwork skills and behaviors fundamental to the heeling relationship as well as core concepts necessary for preparation to more advanced stages of the training program. Video and discussion will focus heavily on handler and canine skill building, individual team troubleshooting, and maintaining a relationship-centered training partnership.



Teaching Engagement Skills

Engagement is the Foundation for ALL OBEDIENCE TRAINING


Forrest Micke

Course Level



This course will teach students why engagement is the foundation for all dog training. Students will learn why engagement should be the foundation for every pet dog training program. Those students who want to get involved in any dog sport will learn why engagement needs to be the motor that drives their training program.




Michael Ellis

Course Level



This micro course led by Michael Ellis will cover several topics on building motivation with your dog. You'll learn how to use conditioned reinforcers, when to teach the "Out", and begin mastering operant conditioning including how to modify behavior.



Nosework: Obedience to Odor and Focused Response

Part 2 of Andrew Ramsey Nosework


Andrew Ramsey

Course Level



The goal of this training course is to cover Andrew Ramsey’s methods for teaching a detector dog obedience to odor and a focused response. These are very important skills that every detector dog should know.




Michael Ellis

Course Level



Regardless of your ultimate training goals, everything must start with how we raise our puppies. How do we interact with them at a young age while they learn what is appropriate behavior? How do we teach our young dogs how to live in our home? How do we develop the drives needed to train in specific disciplines? In this course, world-renowned dog trainer, Michael Ellis, will teach you exactly how he does just that.

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Training the Police K9 Decoy

with Kevin Sheldahl


Kevin Sheldahl

Course Level



This is a beginner's course to teach police officers how to safely perform decoy work for police K9 units. It is taught by Kevin Sheldahl, who is a retired K9 handler and Police Dog teaching judge.

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Forrest Micke

Course Level



Part 2 of the Heeler's Toolbox series. This is a five week course detailing the evolution of our foundation heeling skills into more advanced precision heeling concepts. Each week will be dedicated to the breakdown, discussion, and application of a different Intermediate skill. Skills covered in the intermediate class include: 'Adding Movement - Critical First Steps', 'Proper Use of Toy Reward', ‘Reward Placement', ‘Bridge Behaviors’, and 'Touch Pads & Placeboards'. The class will be a mix of online peer discussion, written lecture, video lecture, and video homework assignments (students will be required to film their training for some portions of the class). This class is neither graded or pass / fail.



Basic Dog Obedience

100% updated in 2018


Ed Frawley

Course Level



This self-study course has 8 hours of video plus very detailed written training content. This course will cover the basic philosophy of reward-based training for sit, down, the foundation of coming when called, and walking on a loose lead. Additionally, you'll receive advice on managing your dog in your home. This course is taught by Ed Frawley owns Leerburg and has been training people how to train dogs for over 55 years.

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Relationship Games

with Mark Keating


Mark Keating

Course Level



This course shows you eight games that develop and strengthen your relationship with your dog. Each incorporates the principles and techniques of reward-based training. We think you’ll find that these games are fun for both you and your dog.

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Housebreaking 101

A Step-by-step Guide


Mark Keating

Course Level



Introducing a new dog into your home is an enormous responsibility. The amount of work it takes to raise an 8 week old puppy can be overwhelming especially if you do not have a game plan going into it. This course is going to help you develop that plan. While everyone’s lifestyle is different and every dog is different, this course is designed to fit all dogs and people regardless of whether you are raising a working line dog for sport work or a family pet.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



This course has in-depth and detailed segments on a wide range of topics such as conditioning a dog to wearing a muzzle, training the decoy, and training scenarios that reflect real world deployments for police dogs.

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From the Rescue to the Home

with JJ Belcher


JJ Belcher

Course Level



This course is designed to explain how to introduce a rescue dog into a new lifestyle. We cover proper socialization, recommended methods of living with a new dog to prevent behavioral problems, Obedience plus a lot more!

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Ed Frawley

Course Level


Measuring a dog for a muzzle can become a taxing exercise. In this course, we have broken this job into its most basic parts with the hope that our customers can get the right muzzle for their dog. Cindy and I have many years of experience in breeding, training, and living with our dogs. The methods we demonstrate in this course are how we approach measuring our own dogs for a muzzle. 




Michael Ellis

Course Level



This course (232 videos - over 20 hours) is an in depth primer on rearing a puppy for success in any discipline. It covers early “critical” socialization, “learning to learn,” shaping behavior, controlling environment to keep problems from emerging, proper play techniques (to maximize motivation), house breaking, and teaching manners without destroying a dogs motivation to work, and general management.




Michael Ellis

Course Level



This is the second part of the Michael Ellis 2-Week Protection Class, a comprehensive course on protection fundamentals, principles, and techniques. Part One and Part Two of this course have 733 videos totalling 43 hours of video. The course is sold in two parts. Leerburg has close to 300 hours of work in filming, editing, and building out these online courses.




Michael Ellis

Course Level



This course will cover how to select the correct remote collar for your dog, how to determine the levels to use during your training, and how to properly condition your dog to the electric collar. We'll also cover the prerequisites for what your dog should already know prior to layering the remote collar over behaviors. This course should give you a thorough understanding of how to begin your remote collar work in a way that eliminates any superstitious associations that your dog may develop from the remote collar.



$150.00 $65.00


Ericka Duggan

Course Level



This course covers the beginning stages of Detection Sports training. It is perfect for professional trainers and hobbyists alike.



Track! The complete guide

A Complete Guide to IGP Tracking


Marko Koskensalo

Course Level



A Complete Guide by some of the most accomplished in the sport




Forrest Micke

Course Level



The third and final part of the Heeler's Toolbox series. Part 3 is a five module course detailing the evolution of our foundation heeling skills into more advanced precision heeling concepts. Skills covered in the Advanced class include: Advanced Perch Work, Basic to Advanced Footwork and Patterns, Indirect Reward Systems, Value Transfer Concepts, and Piece Work & Sequences. Class will be a mix of online peer discussion, written lecture, video lecture, and video homework assignments (students will be required to film their training for some portions of the class). This class is neither graded or pass / fail.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



This course teaches how to manage dogs in your home. Cindy and I live with and manage our 4 dogs. Two of our dogs cannot interact with the other three, yet we have produced very manageable and safe living environment for all. By controlling the environment we put our dogs in and then controlling their behavior in that environment teaches our dogs how we expect them to live with us.

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Leash Reactivity. with Tyler Muto

A Comprehensive Approach


Tyler Muto

Course Level



This course takes an in-depth look at leash reactivity while offering a systematic approach for how we handle loose leash walking with some of the most difficult dogs.





Michael Ellis

Course Level



This is the fisrt part of the Michael Ellis 2-Week Protection Class, a comprehensive course on protection theory, principles, and equipment. Part One and Part Two of this course have 733 videos totalling 43 hours of video. The course is sold in two parts. Leerburg has close to 300 hours of work in filming, editing, and building out these online courses.




Marko Koskensalo

Course Level



The only comprehensive, online protection course available, taught by one of the best IGP/Schutzhund protection trainers in the world.




Michael Ellis

Course Level



This second course is a continuation of Michael Ellis’s Principles of Dog Training I. This advanced 6-module program empowers you to refine your skills and tackle more complex training scenarios. This course contains 179 lecture videos and 120 student videos, totaling to 10 hours of content to watch.



Loose Leash Walking

with Tyler Muto


Tyler Muto

Course Level



Does your dog take you for a walk?  Are your arms and shoulders tired after you return home?  Do you dream of being able to take a nice, relaxed walk with your dog at your side? If you answered yes to any of these questions then it's time to take our Loose Leash Walking course with instructor Tyler Muto!




Ann Braue

Course Level



Learn the foundations of training a puppy to shape it into a well-behaved dog that can handle any situation.



Ring Ready Series

Take Your Ring Performance to the Next Level!


Janice Gunn

Course Level



Learn the techniques she has used to earn many, many high in trial and high-combined awards as well as perfect 200 scores with 9 different dogs.

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Developing Your Gun Dog Puppy

with Marker Training


Jim Closson

Course Level



This course is designed to help you build a strong foundation for your new gun dog puppy. We believe that building an ACTIVE, EAGER, BOLD and CONFIDENT training partner is the first step towards having a great hunting dog.



Training Level I Tracking Dogs for Police - S&R

Filmed with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police


Ed Frawley

Course Level



The RCMP has 3 Levels of tracking. This video covers Level One or tracking in a rural environment. Level two and three deals with suburban and urban tracking. Filmed with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

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Functional Play Development

Teaching our Dogs the Rules of Play


Mark Keating

Course Level



The goal of this course is teach you how to turn play into a productive tool in your dog training program. It is designed to teach new dog trainers how to train their dogs to understand the rules of play.

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Tami McLeod

Course Level



This course is about how to approach dogs with different and varying degrees of drives and temperaments.  It is an entry level course designed to teach you the quintessential concepts to maximize your dog's drive for the obedience work, as well as the initial steps critical for advancement.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



The goal of this course is to share experiences Ed Frawley and Cindy Rhodes have had over the past 55 years of living with and hiking with their dogs. In this course we are going to tell you what has worked and the lessons learned from our mistakes.



Track Laying for Police Dogs

Filmed with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police


Ed Frawley

Course Level



This course is designed to train your track layer. We cover how to walk a straight leg, double laying tracks, kicking corners, marking high to low vegetation, marking road crossings, marking fence crossings, and where to lay articles, along with much more.




Michael Ellis

Course Level



Even the most advanced concepts in dog training require a solid foundation, and the Principles of Dog Training with Michael Ellis is going to give you that foundation.  The skills learned throughout this 15-module course are going to carry over into every aspect of your training program and handler relationship. This course has 187 lecture videos and 284 bonus past student videos, totaling to 16 hours of content to watch.

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Introduction To Flyball

with JJ Belcher


JJ Belcher

Course Level



Flyball is a dog sport in which teams of dogs race against each other from a start/finish line, over a line of hurdles, to a box that releases a tennis ball to be caught when the dog presses the spring-loaded pad, then back to their handlers while carrying the ball. Flyball is one of the fastest growing dog sports in the US and can be learned by any dog that is sufficiently motivated for food and toys.

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Ring Sport Decoy Workshop

with Chad Hunter


Chad Hunter

Course Level



The French ring and Mondio Ring decoys are the most skilled decoys in all of the biting dog sports. I chose to offer this seminar as a self-study course because it was so well organized and presented. The video contains the raw video footage that has been cut up and put into the various modules listed below. There are close to 100 short videos. I put this together to help people learn how to become safe skilled decoys. The information in this course will help train decoys in every biting sport, including police service work.



Urban and Suburban Tracking

Filmed with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police


Ed Frawley

Course Level



In it we train a dog to track in a suburban and urban environment. In Level 1 Tracking we taught the dog to track in the country. The reason all police dogs must first learn to track in the country is because the country is relatively distraction free. We actually teach the dog to track in the country and then use a large part of the Level II & III teaching the dog to deal with the distractions of the city.



Hard Surface Tracking

Filmed at Nunseept and Rotterdam Police Dog Schools in Holland


Ed Frawley

Course Level



This video deals with hard surface tracking (HST). In this video, you are going be able to see what can be accomplished with the right dog and the right training. The dogs in this video were filmed at the Nunspeet and Rotterdam Police Dog Schools in Holland. The instructors in these two schools are some of the best trainers in the world at hard surface tracking.




Michael Ellis

Course Level



Dock diving is the fastest growing dog sport in North America. This course will feature dogs of all walks of life. We will be introducing brand new dogs to the water, as well as tweaking and troubleshooting dogs that have been completing in the sports for years. Whether you’re new to the sport or looking to see what changes you could make to your training program, this course is a must for anyone involved in the sport of dock diving.

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Training the Touch Pads

with Mark Keating


Mark Keating

Course Level



The touch pad is one of the most useful behaviors we can teach our dogs, and can assist with creating and maintaining other obedience behaviors.  This course is filled with fun, easy, and crystal clear methods designed to assist with even the most difficult of dogs. Touch pads are a joy to teach, and ultra fun to maintain as well as advance all aspects of your relationship with your dog.



Advanced Concepts in Motivation

with Michael Ellis


Michael Ellis

Course Level



The goal of this training is to teach dog trainers how to turn a reward into an event for their dog. When trainers can learn these skills they are going to be able to manipulate the motivation and drive of their dogs.




Jens Frank

Course Level



The aim of the course is to train the dog to go to laser dot up to 50m away on cue and sit there waiting for the next cue. This course is the foundation needed to be able to integrate the use of laser directionals in detection, bite work, or recon.




Jens Frank

Course Level



Training the dog to go laser dot and start searching for human target. The dog should already have gone through our online course titled "Laser Directional Training for Police and Military Dogs".




Dusty Trieschman

Course Level



This course is designed to help jump start handlers into the fun sport of Rally!

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Chad Hunter

Course Level



Many dog owners choose Canine Good Citizen training as the first step in training their dogs. The Canine Good Citizen Program lays the foundation for other AKC activities such as obedience, agility, tracking, and performance events. As you work with your dog to teach the CGC skills, you'll discover the many benefits and joys of training your dog.



Decoy Fundamentals

with Mark Keating


Mark Keating

Course Level



Catching dogs on a suit is the ultimate goal of anyone learning to do decoy work. The skills taught in this course will give you insight into how to properly absorb the impact of a dog being sent off leash from a distance.



Raising a Puppy in a Household with Kids

Practical Puppy Training | For Families with Kids


Carrie Wooddell

Course Level



This course is a practical puppy training guide for families who have young kids. The last thing parents who have a new puppy need are videos of a trainer showing you how to train your pup in a quiet environment with no distractions. You won't find that here!




Mark Keating

Course Level



In this course you will learn several different ways to present leg bites, both front and back, along with upper body presentations.

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Dogs to Diapers

Preparing Your Dog for a Baby


Carrie Wooddell

Course Level



Dogs to Diapers is a step-by-step online video course that teaches parents how to help their dogs feel included after a newborn arrives.

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Tyler Muto

Course Level



This series is designed to allow a dog and handler to develop all the skills they need to have a solid foundation of obedience and to prepare them for off-leash work or resolving problem behaviors. The course (part one) starts with a reward based foundation, before diving into leash pressure in Part 2.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



This course will cover a full progression of how we teach hunting retrievers to sit to the whistle. We will include a wide range of tools and methods to help you achieve the control you are looking for with your hunting companion.



Training the Jumps

with Michael Ellis


Michael Ellis

Course Level



In this course, Michael explains in detail how to manage your dog's drive during the jumping process. When handlers put their dogs in too much drive the dogs jump flat and have difficulty in jumping. This course explains how to determine how much drive your dog needs to learn to jump. Some lower drive dogs need to have their drive increased while high drive dogs need their training steps modified to allow them to concentrate on what you are asking them to do.




Tyler Muto

Course Level



This course is a continuation of Obedience & Behavior Foundations Part 1. The material in this course will finish and proof the work taught in Part 1 of this series. This course is equivalent to the second half of the original Obedience Foundations course.



Conditioning Your Dog to a Muzzle

Teach Your Dog to Love Wearing A Muzzle


Ed Frawley

Course Level



Training your dog how to accept and wear a muzzle comfortably.




Mark Keating

Course Level



This series of training DVDs has two purposes. The first is to teach decoys correct and safe training concepts in a bite suit. The second is to teach dog handlers exactly what, why, and how a decoy should work a dog in a bite suit. We want to teach dog handlers exactly what decoys are doing with their dogs. We want dog handlers to recognize good training as well as inappropriate training. We want to give handlers the information they need to be able to discuss and communicate a training plan with their decoy.




Michael Ellis

Course Level



This course will cover all of the foundational skills needed to train the formal retrieve as well as some common challenges trainers may face and techniques to troubleshoot those challenges. We’ve designed this course to accommodate a wide range of skill levels for both trainers and dogs and no prior experience is necessary to start this work.

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