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Michael Ellis

Course Level



This is a Remote Collar Master Class taught by Michael Ellis with 10 hours of content on introducing pressure, aversives, and corrections to your dog in clear and concise way.




Michael Ellis

Course Level



This is the second part of the Michael Ellis 2-Week Protection Class, a comprehensive course on protection fundamentals, principles, and techniques. Part One and Part Two of this course have 733 videos totalling 43 hours of video. The course is sold in two parts. Leerburg has close to 300 hours of work in filming, editing, and building out these online courses.




Michael Ellis

Course Level



This is the fisrt part of the Michael Ellis 2-Week Protection Class, a comprehensive course on protection theory, principles, and equipment. Part One and Part Two of this course have 733 videos totalling 43 hours of video. The course is sold in two parts. Leerburg has close to 300 hours of work in filming, editing, and building out these online courses.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



This course was released in 2024. It replaced the course I produced in 2005. Everyone who purchased the 2005 course will have access to this 2024 update. The original course was 1 hr 20 Mn this new course is over 4 hours long. I have gone into much more detail not only on how to learn markers but also how to apply them in behavior creation. I have included a number of student videos, so the viewer will not only see a trained dog you will see dog/handlers making mistakes that we all make.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



This course has 93 videos and is over 6 hours long. The come command is not a conditional behavior. This means when the training is finished, the dog doesn't get to choose whether or not it wants to obey. It learns that it must come every time or there will be meaningful consequences. This is the only command we approach in this manner.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



Dog aggression is one of the most common behavioral problems with dogs. Ed Frawley has been training dogs for over 60 year, he has put over 200 videos in this course that was released in April 5th 2023



$450.00 $225.00

K-9 Detector Dog Training

Detection Dog Training


Kevin Sheldahl

Course Level



Combining proven technique with modern technique. We use tried and true methodology and modernize it for a broad audience of practitioners.



Track! The complete guide

A Complete Guide to IGP Tracking


Marko Koskensalo

Course Level



A Complete Guide by some of the most accomplished in the sport




Marko Koskensalo

Course Level



The only comprehensive, online protection course available, taught by one of the best IGP/Schutzhund protection trainers in the world.



The Foundation of Nosework

Part 1 of Andrew Ramsey Nosework


Andrew Ramsey

Course Level



This course covers a foundation for nosework with your dog taught by trainer Andrew Ramsey. Nosework is a new dog sport where individuals can train their household pet to detect legal odors. It is 100% motivational training and has absolutely no corrections at any level of work.



Nosework: Obedience to Odor and Focused Response

Part 2 of Andrew Ramsey Nosework


Andrew Ramsey

Course Level



The goal of this training course is to cover Andrew Ramsey’s methods for teaching a detector dog obedience to odor and a focused response. These are very important skills that every detector dog should know.



Training Level I Tracking Dogs for Police - S&R

Filmed with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police


Ed Frawley

Course Level



The RCMP has 3 Levels of tracking. This video covers Level One or tracking in a rural environment. Level two and three deals with suburban and urban tracking. Filmed with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.



Track Laying for Police Dogs

Filmed with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police


Ed Frawley

Course Level



This course is designed to train your track layer. We cover how to walk a straight leg, double laying tracks, kicking corners, marking high to low vegetation, marking road crossings, marking fence crossings, and where to lay articles, along with much more.



Urban and Suburban Tracking

Filmed with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police


Ed Frawley

Course Level



In it we train a dog to track in a suburban and urban environment. In Level 1 Tracking we taught the dog to track in the country. The reason all police dogs must first learn to track in the country is because the country is relatively distraction free. We actually teach the dog to track in the country and then use a large part of the Level II & III teaching the dog to deal with the distractions of the city.



Hard Surface Tracking

Filmed at Nunseept and Rotterdam Police Dog Schools in Holland


Ed Frawley

Course Level



This video deals with hard surface tracking (HST). In this video, you are going be able to see what can be accomplished with the right dog and the right training. The dogs in this video were filmed at the Nunspeet and Rotterdam Police Dog Schools in Holland. The instructors in these two schools are some of the best trainers in the world at hard surface tracking.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



Our online course is much more than just using treats to train your dog. The 5 & 1/2 Hr course has over 120 videos that will teach you how to use high-value food rewards to build a communication system between you and your dog. Our course is about using rewards to teach behaviors and build a better relationship with your dog. If you follow the training steps in this course you will end up with a dog that looks forward to your training session.




Michael Ellis

Course Level



This is the first part of the Michael Ellis Behavior Creation Course, a comprehensive course on learning theory, behavior creation principles, and equipment.

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