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Course Testimonials
"From the Rescue to the Home is a must for all staff at pet shelters and rescues to better assist adopters in making educated decisions during the adoption process. Adopters should be required to take this course as a condition of taking a dog home. JJ Belcher is an excellent instructor and the Leerburg team has created another fine online course."
"As someone who has so many pets, this balanced, patient, common sense approach is a welcome relief. How We Manage Dogs in Our Home was excellent, and the thrill of seeing such a dramatic improvement in my own dogs has made me seriously consider a future career in the dog training industry."
"As a teacher, I am above and beyond impressed with the level of content provided by Leerburg Online University. I have been so blessed to find these courses that 'speak my language'! I appreciate the short segments and that lectures are presented in video and text formats."