240 Video clips - 19 Hours of Video Total
This is the first part of the Michael Ellis Behavior Creation Course, a comprehensive course on learning theory, behavior creation principles, and equipment.
56 Videos | 2 hours on The Power of Training Dogs with Food by Michael Ellis. This material in this online course was produced in 2007. While the old course contained good information it was 17 years old and needed to be updated and expanded. The new course was done by Ed Frawley and has 120 videos and is 5 1/2 hours long. This is almost 3 times the amount of information that was in the original course.
Our online course is much more than just using treats to train your dog. The 5 & 1/2 Hr course has over 120 videos that will teach you how to use high-value food rewards to build a communication system between you and your dog. Our course is about using rewards to teach behaviors and build a better relationship with your dog. If you follow the training steps in this course you will end up with a dog that looks forward to your training session.
This micro course focuses on teaching your puppy food chase games to use in pre-emptive management, recall, and rewards. These games are the foundations of training with food.
This micro course led by Michael Ellis will cover several topics on building motivation with your dog. You'll learn how to use conditioned reinforcers, when to teach the "Out", and begin mastering operant conditioning including how to modify behavior.
The information in this course will change the way you approach a relationship with your dog.
Regardless of your ultimate training goals, everything must start with how we raise our puppies. How do we interact with them at a young age while they learn what is appropriate behavior? How do we teach our young dogs how to live in our home? How do we develop the drives needed to train in specific disciplines? In this course, world-renowned dog trainer, Michael Ellis, will teach you exactly how he does just that.
In this course you will learn how professional dog trainers (Ed Frawley and Cindy Rhodes) use reward based training methods to raise puppies that will live in their home. The course has 105 short videos.
Learn the foundations of training a puppy to shape it into a well-behaved dog that can handle any situation.
This course was released in 2024. It replaced the course I produced in 2005. Everyone who purchased the 2005 course will have access to this 2024 update. The original course was 1 hr 20 Mn this new course is over 4 hours long. I have gone into much more detail not only on how to learn markers but also how to apply them in behavior creation. I have included a number of student videos, so the viewer will not only see a trained dog you will see dog/handlers making mistakes that we all make.
Not all dogs like to play tug. Some dogs have never had their play drive developed and some had it squelched by a handler with little experience. Michael addresses solutions to both of these issues. He explains how different sizes, textures, and types of tugs effect drive levels in dogs. He explains how to increase prey drive through proper tug selection and presentation.
The goal of this training is to teach dog trainers how to turn a reward into an event for their dog. When trainers can learn these skills they are going to be able to manipulate the motivation and drive of their dogs.
Michael's motivational system of training dogs is based on marker training. The foundation for the work in Focused Heeling is covered in our two earlier videos/courses that were done with Michael, The Power of Training Dogs with Food and The Power of Playing Tug with Your Dog. You will benefit from working through these courses before starting focused heeling training. If you are interested in learning how to teach your dog focused heeling whether for competition or as a useful everyday skill this course will give you the information you need to accomplish that goal.
This course will teach students why engagement is the foundation for all dog training. Students will learn why engagement should be the foundation for every pet dog training program. Those students who want to get involved in any dog sport will learn why engagement needs to be the motor that drives their training program.
This course shows you eight games that develop and strengthen your relationship with your dog. Each incorporates the principles and techniques of reward-based training. We think you’ll find that these games are fun for both you and your dog.
The goal of this course is teach you how to turn play into a productive tool in your dog training program. It is designed to teach new dog trainers how to train their dogs to understand the rules of play.
This course is designed to explain how to introduce a rescue dog into a new lifestyle. We cover proper socialization, recommended methods of living with a new dog to prevent behavioral problems, Obedience plus a lot more!
Learn the ins and outs of engagement in this micro course. Michael Ellis talks about engagement principles and the importance of sustained engagement in dog training.