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Courses by Ed Frawley




Ed Frawley

Course Level



Dog aggression is one of the most common behavioral problems with dogs. Ed Frawley has been training dogs for over 60 year, he has put over 200 videos in this course that was released in April 5th 2023




Ed Frawley

Course Level



The goal of this course is a calm, submissive dog. Our pack structure training program aims to produce a dog that is calm and submissive and a dog that follows the rules of the pack leader. This course teaches people how to become a pack leader that their dog respects and loves.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



This course is the next step or level for trainers who have taken our Basic Dog Obedience course. In Basic Obedience we covered the foundation for our reward based training system. Now in our Intermediate course you will now learn how to use those skills to train a number of important and useful behaviors that will be used in daily life.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



Remote collars are one of the best dog training tools ever invented. They are also one of the most abused dog training tools ever invented. This course will teach you how to use low-level stimulation to train your dog. Many dogs can work at levels humans can't even feel. Ed Frawley bought his first remote collar in 1978. In this course, you will benefit from years of his remote collar training experience. He refers to remote collars as "Your Invisible Leash."




Ed Frawley

Course Level



This course will cover the drives of protection training in detail. We see how these drives are effected by the dogs nerves. You will learn how to identify individual drive thresholds on your dog and then how to use that information to develop a step by step training program tailored for a young dog. Because each dog has different drive levels and every dog has different nerve levels, we cannot train any 2 dogs the same way. This course helps the viewer identify the needs of his dog and then develop a program tailored to that dog.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



This course is intended to help new (and old) trainers alike. Many experienced trainers get caught up in traditional sport dog training, which is weak in the defensive areas of training. This video will help all trainers recognize and get a dog started in the training of its defensive drive. The goal of the training is to bring a young dog further along in its fight drive development.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



This course was released in 2024. It replaced the course I produced in 2005. Everyone who purchased the 2005 course will have access to this 2024 update. The original course was 1 hr 20 Mn this new course is over 4 hours long. I have gone into much more detail not only on how to learn markers but also how to apply them in behavior creation. I have included a number of student videos, so the viewer will not only see a trained dog you will see dog/handlers making mistakes that we all make.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



Our online course is much more than just using treats to train your dog. The 5 & 1/2 Hr course has over 120 videos that will teach you how to use high-value food rewards to build a communication system between you and your dog. Our course is about using rewards to teach behaviors and build a better relationship with your dog. If you follow the training steps in this course you will end up with a dog that looks forward to your training session.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



This course has 93 videos and is over 6 hours long. The come command is not a conditional behavior. This means when the training is finished, the dog doesn't get to choose whether or not it wants to obey. It learns that it must come every time or there will be meaningful consequences. This is the only command we approach in this manner.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



In this course you will learn how professional dog trainers (Ed Frawley and Cindy Rhodes) use reward based training methods to raise puppies that will live in their home. The course has 105 short videos.



Basic Dog Obedience

100% updated in 2018


Ed Frawley

Course Level



This self-study course has 8 hours of video plus very detailed written training content. This course will cover the basic philosophy of reward-based training for sit, down, the foundation of coming when called, and walking on a loose lead. Additionally, you'll receive advice on managing your dog in your home. This course is taught by Ed Frawley owns Leerburg and has been training people how to train dogs for over 55 years.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



This course has in-depth and detailed segments on a wide range of topics such as conditioning a dog to wearing a muzzle, training the decoy, and training scenarios that reflect real world deployments for police dogs.

Free Preview


Ed Frawley

Course Level


Measuring a dog for a muzzle can become a taxing exercise. In this course, we have broken this job into its most basic parts with the hope that our customers can get the right muzzle for their dog. Cindy and I have many years of experience in breeding, training, and living with our dogs. The methods we demonstrate in this course are how we approach measuring our own dogs for a muzzle. 




Ed Frawley

Course Level



This course teaches how to manage dogs in your home. Cindy and I live with and manage our 4 dogs. Two of our dogs cannot interact with the other three, yet we have produced very manageable and safe living environment for all. By controlling the environment we put our dogs in and then controlling their behavior in that environment teaches our dogs how we expect them to live with us.




Training Level I Tracking Dogs for Police - S&R

Filmed with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police


Ed Frawley

Course Level



The RCMP has 3 Levels of tracking. This video covers Level One or tracking in a rural environment. Level two and three deals with suburban and urban tracking. Filmed with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



The goal of this course is to share experiences Ed Frawley and Cindy Rhodes have had over the past 55 years of living with and hiking with their dogs. In this course we are going to tell you what has worked and the lessons learned from our mistakes.



Track Laying for Police Dogs

Filmed with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police


Ed Frawley

Course Level



This course is designed to train your track layer. We cover how to walk a straight leg, double laying tracks, kicking corners, marking high to low vegetation, marking road crossings, marking fence crossings, and where to lay articles, along with much more.



Urban and Suburban Tracking

Filmed with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police


Ed Frawley

Course Level



In it we train a dog to track in a suburban and urban environment. In Level 1 Tracking we taught the dog to track in the country. The reason all police dogs must first learn to track in the country is because the country is relatively distraction free. We actually teach the dog to track in the country and then use a large part of the Level II & III teaching the dog to deal with the distractions of the city.



Hard Surface Tracking

Filmed at Nunseept and Rotterdam Police Dog Schools in Holland


Ed Frawley

Course Level



This video deals with hard surface tracking (HST). In this video, you are going be able to see what can be accomplished with the right dog and the right training. The dogs in this video were filmed at the Nunspeet and Rotterdam Police Dog Schools in Holland. The instructors in these two schools are some of the best trainers in the world at hard surface tracking.




Ed Frawley

Course Level



This course will cover a full progression of how we teach hunting retrievers to sit to the whistle. We will include a wide range of tools and methods to help you achieve the control you are looking for with your hunting companion.



Conditioning Your Dog to a Muzzle

Teach Your Dog to Love Wearing A Muzzle


Ed Frawley

Course Level



Training your dog how to accept and wear a muzzle comfortably.

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