August 16, 2015 at 7:51am
Hi Amanda,
I have understood Marks videos and written parts in the following way:
Once you have reached a good rhythm in a high drive stage, occasionally interrupted with duration, we should begin to gradually fade out our food luring to a mere handluring, which a bit later we will also fade out with a leaning gesture towards the touch pad.
I have done it this way with my dogs. Two of them step now on three different objects without I am luring with my hand nor bending towards the object. More exactly I give a verbal command, then approach the item and then stare at it - (which I guess is a kind of lure too). With my third dog, it doesn't work yet like this. She still needs that I bend towards two õf the items and to the third one I still have to lure a bit with my empty hand.
I think, if you follow the principles as Mark describes, rhythm, high drive phase, from time to time asking for duration, you will certainly overcome the luring. Keep in mind that Mark warns from remaining in the luring stage for a long time, but we also must avoid to stop it abruptly. It depends on the dog, how quickly we can advance, each one is different.
About making them stay before making them step on the touch pad, I don't know for sure. I don't do it yet. I think this would be a more advanced thing, as we would chain two different behaviours and probably confuse the dogs.
Good luck ~ Christina