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Peg and Chi - Mod 2/(Mod 3) Week 2 heeling Movement on barrier HUGE IMPROVEMENT

Peg Munves

January 25, 2016 at 11:58am

I also put this into Mod 2 since I wasn't sure where new vid should go! 

Reanne Heuston

January 25, 2016 at 2:10pm

Oh yeah! love the toss and reset here! That last mark and reward was golden!


Peg Munves

January 25, 2016 at 3:33pm

Check out that head position!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  RIGHT!?

Cheryl Neal

January 25, 2016 at 6:46pm

So happy for you Peg! Love those moments!!


Christina Stockinger

January 26, 2016 at 7:30am

Agree fully with Reanne and Cheryl. That head position will come, I can see you're working on it really with improvement. I also have to concentrate me again and again on this and my hand position to achieve this. Sometimes it's nice, sometimes a fly and/or my own incorrect position can change it. Very nice work, Cheryl!

Forrest Micke
Forrest Micke

January 27, 2016 at 4:30pm

Holy smokes. Peg, this is like... um... incredible. GREAT work, for real!!!

Okay, I've got another suggestion; give it a try if you're inclined:

- allow him to slip back to the hand with food in it after the mark instead of bringing it all the way to the overhead position where he's at. Essentially, let him move back a couple inches to meet the hand. From where you're holding it now, you'll meet him half way instead of bringing it directly overhead. This will draw his energy back even more and head up. It may be a fun little touch. If it isn't a good move for him, we abandon and stick with what's working. But I think it will only support all the goodness you've got.

Also, we'll be inserting overhead hand targets in place for him to perform instead of the baited feed hand. So make sure that hand target is charged with much enthusiasm as we'll incorporate it soon in order to move away from the food. 

And he seems so much more pumped for the work, too. Great job taking a step back and letting him work it out. That's empowering stuff there!

LOVELY stuff, and kudos to you both for making such leaps in your work. 

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