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Reann and Elsa Movement in Heel Week 2.

Reanne Heuston

January 24, 2016 at 9:15am

Ok, just to recap the video, little pieces we are working on here and there. 1st piece, shaping position and eye contact , ignoring the hands when stationary.

2nd one learning position from the feed bucket. (our nemesis!) Thinking I'm adding too much by having my hand out but it seems to be a helpful cue for her. Also it's about time I finally use the mirror because that left leg is popping out and my feeding position isn't consistent :P

3rd one Stealing a page from Maelyn's book and using the clicker, (I think this may be too early to proof my hands in movement but she was eager last night and I thought we would try it), if I bring them too close they are way distracting.  My clicker hand is out because it's just copying my other hand! LOL. So I look like I'm flying.

4th we are playing with the toy, she is still surprised that a toy is coming out in this work indoors and not food.  I do eliminate food from the picture in this case and power steer her with a hand touch.  Phew!

David Putman

January 24, 2016 at 9:20am

You both look great! She's putting the pieces together and is looking better each week! Keep working!

Karen Myrfield

January 24, 2016 at 8:25pm

Oh I had to laugh at your 'flying' comment!! I wouldn't have noticed but since you had mentioned it.... ;). Too funny..... Even more so cuz I know I look like that too; waving my arms around. Ok Reanne. I think I know why you have such nice fluidity in your sessions. At 1 min I see the evidence in the background---glass o' red wine. :). I thought your video was great. Great clicking and heeling at 2.30! Maelyn also inspired me to pull out my clicker for this work as well. I found I was saying "heel" and "yes" in exactly the same monotone voice. Sigh. The clicker is just so darn clear and unique. One less thing to think about. I think I saw a backward step heeling too? You guys are progressing SO well! Karen
Reanne Heuston

January 24, 2016 at 9:30pm

Thanks Dave, Thanks Karen! Lol yes my late night wine sessions! Lol, I have to get the courage to videotape my sessions somehow!  I appreciate the comment on progression, I have really been struggling with precision behaviours with this dog. 

Maelyn Draper

January 24, 2016 at 11:39pm

Looking good! She is definitely starting to get it : )

I especially love her position at 2:12!

Peg Munves

January 25, 2016 at 12:10pm

So wow - lots of great stuff!  We are just starting to work all this out too.  One thing that helped me THE MOST with this head position training is the hand BEHIND and NOT to the side of the dog's head.  Having the dog come by the hand but it's OUT of the picture to a large extent when the dog finds the right spot and I marked for head up.

Sharonika Williamson

January 27, 2016 at 5:56am

She is such a beautiful looking dog :D

Christina Stockinger

January 29, 2016 at 5:42am

Cooooooool, Reanne! Loved it so much. Beautiful performance with a beautyful dog and handler of course too! Great pleasure to watch several times!

Forrest Micke
Forrest Micke

January 29, 2016 at 9:42pm

There are some very nice pieces in place and nice moments within this video.

Dug her position at :20 and you did a great job of marking it!

I was really pleased to see you getting that 'hand kiss' work in. Else seems to really dig doing that. 

1:06 - Peg gave a great observation here. I'd keep your hand more behind Elsa's head rather than 'off to the side'. Really, we want a bit of both - but coming more from behind her head will aid that head lift.

Awesome rear awareness by Elsa at 1:18! Great job letting her move herself into heel!

Check out the position of your feet relative to the bucket at 1:28. Ideally you're a bit further forward in position (2 - 4 inches). Ideally the very center axis of the bucket lines up with your ankles or even heels. Be aware of the direction you're facing. Best to face straight forward, bucket on your left, with the center of the bucket in line with your ankles. 

1:34 - notice how when you bring the food in to reward you bring it across the front of her face. Instead, bring it from behind her head - still off to the left a bit if needed, but emphasize behind. This will help a lot.

You know what, she finds some pretty correct moments from 2:20 forward as you work along the tunnel barrier! Good for you and nice patience. 2:50 was a brilliant moment!!!! She moved back on her own!!! Celebrate that!! Jackpot!

The toy in your right hand distracts Elsa from information coming from the left hand. She's a in conflict when you try and power steer her with the ball in her visual to the right. I'd hold it out of sight for now and next week choose a suitable reward placement with it. 

Her tendency is to come across your front, and she does it pretty quickly into the first step.

I think the key's for you to correct this are:

1) Spend a couple days, 2 sessions a day (fast session, before meals, proofing Elsa in focus. This is really an opportunity for you to work reward placement. As mentioned above, bring your hand in more and put it behind her head. Make sure she focuses on the side of face and then mark and bring the food into position from behind her head instead of out on the side or across the front.

2. Once you've worked that reward placement you should see the head come up more. Now you're ready to take this work to the perch. Revisit some remedial steps but quickly work your way into heel. Start by working your improved reward placement in static position. Then add small movements and wait for Elsa to respond. Mark and reward accordingly. 

3. Finally back to forward movement. But first play around with steps 1 and 2.

How does that sound?

You've got a lot of great things installed, Reanne. Let's polish a few separately and then bring them together.


Reanne Heuston

January 29, 2016 at 10:56pm

Yes! 1 and 2 are perfect, and I am headed to Ikea to get a some mirrors to fix that reward placement. Thank-You Thank-You.

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