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Roland & Dave Heeling with a toy

David Putman

January 23, 2016 at 9:30am

This is the first video I recorded for this week. This one is a bit more formal than the other, which I'll upload later today (BJJ class starts soon.) Ive been working on making Roland earn the reward a bit more, whilst rewarding him more often. His hand kisses are now jumping up through my hand. 


Benjamin Martinez

January 23, 2016 at 11:45am

Really good team.  Except for the cold weather, everything looks great.

Maelyn Draper

January 24, 2016 at 11:44pm

Nice! He really loves that toy and is great at targeting it and bringing it back to you for the game : )

Peg Munves

January 25, 2016 at 12:07pm

Very nice all around.

Sharonika Williamson

January 27, 2016 at 6:00am

Roland you rock! Love his flip into heel and his ever wagging tail. Super work you two :)

Christina Stockinger

January 29, 2016 at 5:22am

I was really surprised to see  such a work. I watched it with great admiration.

Forrest Micke
Forrest Micke

January 29, 2016 at 10:00pm

Beautiful hand target work! Beautiful!

This is your front yard, David? His energy is always good but this may be the most animated and sharp I've seen him. Really slick.

Homework: Train Roland to leap from and land in the exact same spot while you're in static position and he performs repeated hand touches. He should be able to land exactly where he left from while you're both in static (no forward movement) heel. This asks him to be more aware of a straight up and down path versus a forward one. If he can control himself cleanly from static he'll be really tight in the movement so long as you ease him into it. 5 in a row without losing position. That's your task.

You do a great job with handling the toys and upholding criteria with the toy. Roland is a bit pulled by the toy when you hold it in your right hand... just a bit. I think experience will clean that up. I do a lot of proofing work from static position - teaching reward placements in different spots, when I switch to toy in heeling. The toy geeks them up a it so before adding movement which can break down the behavior more quickly, I further proof small behaviors leading up to the whole. 

I mentioned this in your other video, but I'll mention here, too: smooth out that footwork. Your moves are choppy and feel compelling. Roland's movements sometimes feel more like reactions versus choreographed maneuvers. It's the difference between moving your knee into a dog to create space versus slowing moving it until you find the point where the dog gives, at which point you give. Move at a speed and intention that Roland can read and even anticipate coming. Enter moves slowly and when he responds and even beats you to completion jack pot. Each move or a question than a demand.

Beautiful hand kiss, reward combo at 1:37.

The play looks great, too - you guys are synergized.

I mentioned in the other video giving him a chance to push you after an 'out'. Don't whip him into heel so quick. Give him a chance to ask to do more... it's diagnostic. 

Great stuff, my man. 

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