Segment 2

Rules with Furniture


Teach your dog to respect the rules of the furniture and beds by using the


 The Importance of Removing the Dog

From Beds and Furniture

1 min 50 sec


If your dog is in the habit of getting up on furniture, you want to change this habit in order to prevent your dog from potentially jumping on your baby by accident. Additionally, you never want a situation where your dog challenges your baby over a spot on the furniture. This is especially true concerning your dog sleeping in your bed because there might be times when your baby will need to be with you in bed. 

Start incorporating an "Off" command so your dog understands what you are asking when trying to remove them. Saying “NO, Off” simply tells your dog that you disapprove of them being on the furniture or bed and to remove themselves from that area.  The key to this command is being consistent, especially if the dog has been allowed up on furniture in the past.  If your dog is used to sleeping on your bed, keep a short tab on their collar for the first few nights of training.  If your dog jumps in the bed in middle of the night the tab can be used to help remove him.

Your dog and your baby are not equals and you can't give the dog the impression they are higher ranked then the baby.  We don't want your dog to think they can correct the baby like they would a litter mate or other dog they co existed with.  Setting the tone for how they should respect the rules of the house need to be implemented before the baby is there so that the dog doesn't associate the baby with not being able to sleep on the furniture or bed anymore.  

Get a new special dog bed for your dog so that they have a new spot to go.  Sit with your dog on this bed and also give reinforcing chews on it.  Make sure to put the new bed next to your dogs favorite spots around the house.  




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