Segment 1

Stroller Walk


Ensuring your dog has polite manners with Stroller.


 Stroller Manners While Walking

1 min 42 sec


If your dog is accustomed to going on walks with you, it is fair that your dog should continue to go on walks with you after your baby is born. If you don’t include your dog in walks like you have done before, your dog could develop anxiety and frustration from being left behind. Anxiety and frustration can cause excessive barking, digging, or even cause your dog to try to escape. 

“Heel” is the command that is commonly used when you want your dog to walk next to you with a loose leash. In order to teach your dog to generalize this command next to the stroller, you first must ensure that he understands how to walk next to you in proper position.

After you’re confident that your dog understands the "Heel" command and can walk with out crossing in front of you, pulling on the leash, or lunging at other dogs/passerby then you can practice taking the dog on walks with an empty stroller.  

Walking was one of my favorite activities to do with my dog while I was pregnant!  The time before my baby came gave me the chance to practice with my dog by pushing the empty stroller.  I did get some strange looks from the neighbors (pushing an empty stroller), but once my baby did arrive my dog understood exactly where his position was next to the stroller!

While on your practice walks, remember to use treats or praise to reward the dog for being in the proper position next to the stroller.  Once your dog is secure in walking alongside the stroller, start to make random stops and have the dog sit and wait until you begin to push the stroller again.  

Never tie your leash to the stroller, never allow the dog to cross in front of the stroller, and I don't recommend using a retractable leash for stroller walks.

Going on stroller walks with your dog is a great way for the family to bond once the new baby is here!  When I started getting cabin fever, my walks with my dog and baby gave me (and my dog) something to look forward to.  







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