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Christina Stockinger

March 1, 2018 at 6:34am

1) My dogs are on balanced raw food diet, I follow an LB book about this. I also feed them only during training, as otherwise they'll get too fat. Is there anything wrong about this?

2) I've read they should get between 2-3% of their ideal body weight. (What is 'ideal'T, when each one is so different?) It  works with 3 of my dogs. The heavy Pit gets 800g per day, the lighter one 600, the from the street adopted also, the Lab-Mix only 300g. This seems to me extremly little.In the beginning (as already adult) I had given her also 600 and then always a bit less. But even now she doesn't lose weight.I went to the Vet to have her thyroid gland examined. But he didn't want to,. he said, she is without doubt not too fat.

Perhaps I'm thickheaded, butI  disagreed fully.. I can't feel her ribs, only with a lot of pressure, she has no waist at all  and I also can't feel her spinal column. I've also consulted other Vets, but they are all the same. I have no clue why they don't want to it or at least examine her otherwise. Damned, she is definitally too fat and I can't go on giving her only 300g, like that she will not get enough vitamins, antioxidants etc. etc. What can I do?

Katja Zeleznik

May 1, 2020 at 3:42am

Hy Cristina.

  1. is nothing wrong to feed then during thetraining sasions. 
  2. how much you feed your dog depends of dog and the food you give tneg. if you use pray or barf pre-prepared meals, they are very very different. soe of tnem are very high in fat, som of them not so much. and this depends a lot. be carefull if you giving them any treats. sometimes people don`t count treats with food weight. so maybe with your lab - you can change the food. 

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