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Jack and Kathy sit stay

Kathy Hudson

November 22, 2015 at 7:24pm

We have some work to do on sit stay but just thought I'd show u where were at and I lost my camera guy so video is ok

Leanne Smith

November 22, 2015 at 8:09pm

Kathy.  I know what you mean about trying to video alone.  I set up my laptop in some pretty weird spots but have found i just can't get a full shot of us both inside - so great you managed to get in some training and videoing using the stairs.  While we only see the bottom half of you both in some ways it makes some things more central and therefore easily observable - like your pace and Jack's stability

I like your business like pace.   Jack seemed solid through most of it - a slight paw lift at one point and then :48 side shift for whatever reason.  Any idea?   As I was walking circles (ok part circles) round Dyson I wondered whether i should have broken him out of positions, reset and then done more of the full sit - stay - distraction cycle rather than sit - stay - distraction - distraction - distraction - distraction.  Forrest (or anyone) any comment?

Great enthusiastic break off - loved the energy in your voice.  You're a great team.

Forrest Micke
Forrest Micke

November 23, 2015 at 2:17pm

Jack really enjoys the opportunity to train with you, Kathy. I love this the most!

Your handling of this session is smooth and confident. I can tell you've got great handler instincts - for example the nice re-set at :50 when he shifted position a bit. You were right on top of it.

We'll talk tonight on the live chat about when to mark the duration work in exercises like this. Simply put, though, I tend to "good" the dog at the greatest point of challenge - where I think it was toughest for the dog to hold their spot, yet they do, and at that point I mark "good" and then return to front to feed. You do a good job here but you are commonly "gooding" as you've already begun or fully returned to front. Instead, mark him "good" when you're at his flank or rear and he's holding position. Then return to front after to feed.

I love Jack's demeanor and your careful work with him. Looking forward to seeing more of you two!

And the video work was great! I got to see both your and Jack's 'feet' which is most important for this exercise!

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