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Karen & Khina: Module 4 Video #2

Karen Myrfield

November 22, 2015 at 6:37pm

I apologise for getting this video in late.   That last part of the week was just too busy, so I had to wait until the weekend to video our work on the “not my hand” game and the “Clockwork game”.  I had a “take” by Saturday night, but I had chopped off my head and half my body.  Not usually a problem, but you couldn’t see my arms extended---only the shadows on the floor!!… I redid the video today.  Such is life!

Khina is doing pretty well with this exercise, although we still need some work and more proofing to “solidify” it.   If she heard any noises close by, she would turn to them.  

A couple other points:

  • Interestingly, moving my Left hand is more of a distraction than my right hand.   Not sure why, but she is more likely to turn her eyes away.
  • I could perhaps use the duration marker (for us is GOOD) with “Watch” command more?    Part of the reason I didn’t use it more in the video is that I found that GOOD would sometimes distract her.   I wonder if she is not always discriminating between the duration and the terminal marker so that she was looking for her treat after GOOD??   So I need to work on that more.
  • I didn’t use movement after the terminal markers for the “not my hand” game and Clockwork game as you see.   She had such a sluggish response to movement for these “focusing” exercises that I didn’t bother with the movement part.   Should I keep at it? 

I added the last 30 seconds of the video, which is a repeat of part of Clockwork game, because I wanted you to see her slow response to the terminal marker when I did use it a few times.   Let me know what you think.  I think I’ve noticed that she is often more “bouncy” after a terminal marker with a game she knows well.   If I do some targeting or other stuff she loves, she is way more energetic.  Not like most of the dogs I see in the class, but way more than you see in the last 30 seconds here.  

Leanne Smith

November 22, 2015 at 8:16pm

Love the arm wave!

Forrest Micke
Forrest Micke

November 23, 2015 at 4:05pm

Karen, does khina like chasing food? If so, you do have the option of marking and then tossing food for her to chase. How you're doing the rewarding here is great! But if the positive consequence attached to this work is maximized... the work itself will be, too. If she loves food chasing, keep it as an option. The floor you're on is slick so ensure that's ok with her before allowing her to chase food.

A couple points:

AT :35, I would have my arm extended already before cueing "watch". It makes it easier for her to be and maintain correctness.

Lovely job feeding from that left when you get into heel position at 1:09. I would recommend setting yourself up a few inches forward so that the picture Khina sees is more correct. She appears to be a bit forged at that point in the video - but she can't control it because you set up on her. So, when you do rotate all the way to the 4th (heel) position, be very sure to have the exact setup you want. Beautiful reward placement there - it's exactly what we want - a nice high head!!!! 

Perfect position at 1:17!!!!! Again, go ahead and raise your left arm out before you cue "watch".

Really nice job with this work. I don't think you need to use "watch" multiple times if the dog isn't getting it. In fact, I think it's better not to 'waste' the word. If the dog weren't getting a certain picture or exercise, best to break the pieces down smaller. 

From what I see, though, you're both in a great place and ready to get more reps and more proofing in from the side!!!!

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