November 23, 2015 at 4:31pm
Scott, nice work.
The stand-stay is an advanced skill for most dogs, so I'm pumped you've been working on it. Sen does a great job of it aside from the following blunder in the beginning. And when you return to feed her after the lap, it's likely she knows she's being reinforced for staying place. If she were to consistently follow you after being stood and you begin circling, you'd want to interrupt that in a timely way, or back up the training and work in smaller pieces: for example, after you stand her, can you lean to the right a bit without her shifting weight. If so - mark and reward!
The pieces are in place, sir, so I'm not too worried about it!
I think the 'reset' at :57s was appropriate. She gets back on task and does a better job.
Try this with Sen: when you do the clockwork game again, instead of breaking into movement and giving Sen one piece, break out and give a handful of food reward - making it a jackpot. Sen's got great energy, but I want to see if we can get a little more energized anticipation in this game.
The pieces are there... just got to work them more. Keep your session short, make sure she's hungry, and jackpot those pieces!
Nice work and welcome back!