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Lucas and Ed eye contact

Eduardo Monreal

November 22, 2015 at 1:38am

Hi Guys

Here we are doing some eye contact and attempting the clockwork game.

Eye contact from the front is on the right track but still needs plenty of work.

The clockwork game was a bit more challenging, it all looked nice at 1 and 2 o'clock but when approaching 3 o'clock Lucas didn't seem comfortable with the proximity of my foot to his tail (I think). I edited a lot of footage so the video wouldn't be too long, I tried to problem solve on the run. I had to reset Lucas on his sit as he was taking that rolled hip sit, then using body language to get him to stay put in position and rewarding the smallest of achievements when he remained in place.

I am a bit puzzled as to why he would feel the urge to move away.

Something to work on until HT2 starts 

Forrest Micke
Forrest Micke

November 23, 2015 at 11:34am

Ed, great job going through your work, considering and diagnosing things.

Lucas may be a bit sensitive to your movement onto him in heel - perhaps his tail was stepped on at a time or some other experience lingers. You could work on this alone, away from the focus of the clockwork game. Practice his sit stay with increasingly tight circles... helping him realize nothing bad will come of your movement into his space. 

Your work is looking good, Ed. Right on track and ready to push it further. One thing to keep in mind, and it may affect Lucas' tolerance of your movement into his space: notice at 1:52 how you move into him to get the 'sit'? Instead, move away and draw him into you for a 'tuck sit'. This helps your IPO work and also may contribute to Lucas' confidence with spatial pressure. If he can pursue, instead of retreat, it may lend itself to other places. 

Your foot was a little close to him at 1:58 - almost like it touched him. His 'reaction' was pretty strong! I think you can overcome this with a little focused work on it. But drop the focus work when you do, simply see if you can move about around him, slowly and carefully, rewarding often, so that he can settle in. 

You did a good job helping him back into position at 2:12 by calling on your heel cue. He did well with it. 

Another option to consider is a barrier - so that he can't shift away. If you do use a barrier, first ensure that he's confident and comfortable next to it before doing any focus training. I think he'll get over it with a little practice - and be sure not to touch him with your foot as you step into place:)

Great work, Ed. The pieces are there. I'd now practice a lot from the side, increasing temptation from the left hand as lucas permits. And consider splitting the sit-stay training from the focus work as you move closely around Lucas. I do think a barrier may be a good help, too.


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