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Homework Assignment, WEEK 4 - OPTION #3 [ Lexi Hayden & Chopper ]

Lexi Hayden

November 21, 2015 at 1:31pm

Hi Forrest and Everybody,

Here's option #3. I wanted to show various angles (sorry for the close-ups and waling into the camera ;) - I do not have a helper so I just had to walk closer to show Chopper's head better). I didn't want to keep the movie too long so I came up with a way to show more in a shorter time. I tried to put the clips in a way so it's not too confusing about the audio, when I talk, when I mark, etc., but I think it is quite self-explanatory and not too confusing. 

I truly hope you'll enjoy watching it as much as Chopper and I enjoyed working together. 


Peg Munves

November 21, 2015 at 3:51pm

Frickin' amazing, again.  Great training.

Forrest Micke
Forrest Micke

November 23, 2015 at 10:10am

Sooooo darn good, Lexi. I thought it was pretty cool how Chopper's head position was affected at :23 be the placement of the previous reward. There was a noticeable 'straightening of the head. That's the power of reward placement!

Solid, thorough proofing on all fronts. Really comprehensive!

I LOVED Chopper's adjustment at 1:00!!! Such a smarty!

Lexi, I was really pleased to see Chopper's position from the side at 1:37. It was noticeably further back than it has been. I think you're really seeing the benefit of reward placement from there... as well as the slow, methodical training you're doing. When we speed the work up, motivated dogs have the potential to leak forward a bit, but we'll have some other skills in place by then to help mitigate that.

From the side, at 3:17 - also another moment where Chopper's body and head position are affected by perception of reward placement. It's always neat for me to see. We'll use hand touches later to have the same influence.

Brilliant, Lexi. So complete, detailed, fun to watch, caring, and professional!

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