November 21, 2015 at 4:43pm
Really nice, David.
Start your sessions with your hands out of your pockets - it's a more neutral picture. Roland is psyched for the session!
Everything looks on point, sir. I honed in on the 2:24 mark of you video - he did a great job staying focused even as you were rotating into place with arm out. And he maintained it while you pushed for duration in place next to him. Nice reward placement.
Instead of telling him "watch" before you load your hand from your pocket, load your hand, be prepared for the arm extension, and once you're ready with arm out, then cue "watch" as you add movement or challenge to the hand. Roland did really well with this, however, some dogs do find it challenging to stay focused on the eyes as you're digging into your pocket for food. It's a picture you can work on... and perhaps you have... but it is a challenge.
Holy smokes that head position is SHARP at 2:32!!! Beauty baby! And he looks like a friggin statue holding his focus there. REally nice stuff, David. Good boy Roland!
Love the subtle cueing as he's moving about your legs. Be careful of the double simultaneous cues at moments like 2:56. It's not wrong... but just ensure that both the verbal and non-verbal stand alone. Then if you pare them, it's just double the info.
The "no, watch" is absolutely fine, and his change of behavior and happy performance after proves it (in my opinion).
Oh man! I love his Wonky Eye!!! He's unique through and through!
Beauty stuff, Dave. I'd spend more time at that static side position (heel) working on more proofing. Also pick up your pace a bit by reinforcing quicker and reloading quicker. When you reload, do so behind your back. We want to really drill that reward placement and your mechanics there so that when we add movement, we have the strength of that training to draw his head up a bit more.