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Wk 4 Hw 2

Emily Stoddard

November 19, 2015 at 11:06pm

A) I apologize for the close angle and bright red sweats

B) I take full responsibility for taking creative lisence with the assignment and pushing Falcor for more

I adore that he stepped up to the challenge and nailed it! That was pork chop he was leaving in my hand, he totally gets the game and is an amazing problem solver. I do not feel like I asked for too much from him and feel he worked through it without loss of want to work. Thoughts???
Reanne Heuston

November 20, 2015 at 2:15am

I think at the end it seemed like some great proofing since earlier he snuck a few peeks to the left.  I love the unexpected feed from the right too.  Pleasure to watch the timing and how you separate your marker from your movement.

Forrest Micke
Forrest Micke

November 21, 2015 at 9:46am

Oh man, that head position at :28!!!! Beauty!!

1:03 - love his decision there!!!! What a freekin smart and cool dude! 

Emily, I would cease rewarding from the right side any further and force the issue that food will come from the left but the only strategy toward earning is is focusing to the side of your face. He's ready. And you'll see his head taking the position that it does at :28 consistently. 

After re-watching my videos this week, I've decided I need to change this exact thing about the clockwork demonstrations I do - no feeding from right hand once you're in the 3rd and 4th (heel) position around the clock. The merit of feeding from the left hand is that it draws that head up - we want that. And while feeding from the right is a great way to offset any imbalance, it also doesn't 'exploit' the head as much as we could. If we work out all the proofing kinks from the 1st and 2nd positions 'around the clock' chasing the hand at 3 and 4 (heel) shouldn't be an issue. The dog will know the only way to get the food is through the focal point, and that the food will come by way of the left side of the head.

You're such a detailed trainer, I love it! No doubt it's what contributes to Falcor's quick problem solving.

Your reward placement, as you begin feeding consistently from the left, can exaggerate his head a little more to the outside if you'd like. Keep an eye on how the consistent feed from outside left affects him. Ideally, he holds his head like :28 consistently - if you want that.

I don't think you were too 'greedy' with the work. He can handle it. I like best how you handled his 'error' at moments like :54 - simply closing your hand. I don't think you need to close your hand and retreat it - unless you are showing the same 'incoming hand' picture. 

And the reward after :54 - notice it's a little into your body versus away from your body (to the left out). If you start turning his head slightly out while still rewarding high - you'll really get that head high.

Such nice work. And your dude's all in. I love it. 


Emily Stoddard

November 21, 2015 at 9:19pm

Perfect! Love the nit picky details about placement for sure, this is why I do things like this. If you couldn't already tell I really obsess about heeling and that perfect picture. I'm still chasing that elusive perfect heel score, was one point shy on my PSA PDC with Keegan.

I'll mess around with what you've pointed out for sure, I totally see it now that you've pointed it out. Rewarding in just goes with his natural flow and is easy to yield to. It's an old habit to close the hand, but that raises a question for me, if he were to try to check out the hand, would you just hold tight and let the dog puzzle it out? Only close the hand if he were to try to steal the cookie?

This has been a bunch of fun so far!!!

Forrest Micke
Forrest Micke

November 23, 2015 at 10:18am

Exactly, let him puzzle it out and only close it if he gets 'hoodlum' on you. 

i'm really loving watching you work - and learning myself:)

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