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Shannon and Lucy Module 3

Shannon Mawson

November 26, 2015 at 12:10pm

Hi Tyler :Just a short video of Lucy and I, it's very cold out -27C. Lucy is doing a bit better we have just been working in front of the house.

Tyler Muto
Tyler Muto

November 27, 2015 at 3:51pm

This is definitely a lot of improvement from your first video. 

My first suggestion would be to hold your leash a few inches shorter. Since you are really having a tough time controlling her, shortening the leash will really limit her options, and give you more leverage. 

Once the leash is shorter, try being a little more pro active and using the leash corrections to prevent her from getting in front you, not to correct her after she has already gotten out ahead. Your most advantageous time to do this is after an about turn, because she will already be coming up from slightly behind you. 

Lastly, if you feel yourself loosing control, stop and use upward pressure on the leash to get her to sit. When she does, give a big active release. make sure she is nice and settled before you move forward again. 



Shannon Mawson

November 27, 2015 at 6:47pm

Thanks Tyler for your feedback greatly appreciated. We will get this girl walk eventually. 

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