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Charlee Leash Work / Recall

James Voyatzis

November 24, 2015 at 1:27pm

Charlee has improved a lot with his Heel  However, I am having trouble with his focus.  Normally, he is pretty good with staying focused on me.  But in public, I can not get him to Stay focused on me.  Food does not even work.  With the recall, he will come to me for a second, but he quickly looks away to something more interesting.   I have tried to increase my energy level, which has helped a little bit.  

Tyler Muto
Tyler Muto

November 24, 2015 at 6:05pm

I would try a couple things, and they aren't mutually exclusive.

1) When you give a command like "here" and he isn't paying attention, try giving a quick, attention getting pop on the leash rather than pressure/release.

2) Start feeding him only outside, and only by hand. Make this his only access to food. You can start simple, such as right in front of your house. Then, once he is taking food well, gradually take him to more challenging public places. 

If he is too distracted to eat, then he loses that meal. He may skip few meals before his food drive really kicks in. We can this "existential reward", in other words the dog needs the reward for survival. It shouldn't take long before he takes food eagerly whenever it is presented to him. 

James Voyatzis

November 24, 2015 at 8:54pm

I will work on that. Thanks!!

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