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Homework Deszö Module 3

Claudia Erhardt

November 23, 2015 at 4:44am

Door exercise: I need him to sit as well while I close the door.

Leash work: I walked him in front of our house. Normally a lot of dogs pass by and make their business here. It is a cycle way as well. The main road is on the left side….

Leash work with distraction: I walked him toward our chicken. This is a real challenge for him. As soon as he started to stare at them I asked him for a recall.

Place: (I cut the film J) I chose also the place near the chicken. In total he stayed there for 12 minutes. Due to the weather conditions I decided to break it up. After 5 minutes he saw another dog jumping at the door. So I brought him back to the place. After 9 minutes he relaxed.

In general we had some ups and downs this week. Sometimes we had an amazing training day and sometimes I couldn’t leave him e.g. on the place for 5 minutes. Nevertheless I am more than happy with his improvement.

Tyler Muto
Tyler Muto

November 23, 2015 at 2:21pm

Very nice video,

When asking him to sit at the door, apply pressure and wait, only release pressure once he begins committing to the sit. Every little tug/release is a mild reinforcer and can contribute to maintaining/developing a little resistance. 

Leash walking looks good, its a little hard for me to tell if he is turning with you, or if you are having to guide him a little with the leash. If it’s the latter, then I would try to turn while keeping the leash a little loose (remember the dynamic leash length technique from the starting/stopping video) and give a little ‘pop’ if he doesn’t turn with you.
If he is turning well with you, then rock on and ignore that last bit.

Place command looks great, your handling is spot on. Continue to push that duration and try to hit the 15 minute mark.

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