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Tyler Muto
Tyler Muto

November 18, 2015 at 9:00pm

Brandon Ebneter

November 20, 2015 at 5:51pm

Still not able to upload videos, this is frustrating! Every time I have to call the IT department and they see my video, and upload it for me. Is this issue going to be fixed before the end of the course? It is hard for me to find the time so keep contacting the IT department. I have tried contacting them via email, and get no reply, I have to call in to get any help. Thank you for looking into the matter.

Tyler Muto
Tyler Muto

November 23, 2015 at 3:32pm

I did get an email from Jeff today that they are working on figuring out why you are having so much trouble. Unfortunately I don't have any additional insight because I am not involved in that part of the operation.

I am sorry that this is so frustrating for you, hopefully it gets resolved soon.

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