Segment 1

Leerburg's Muzzle Conditioning Course


Leerburg's Conditioning Your Dog

to a Muzzle


After selling muzzles for almost 25 years Ed and Cindy recently produced this online course teaching dog owners how to condition their dogs to wear and like wearing their muzzle.

In this course owners will learn how to use free shaping , luring or in the worst case scenario force to condition their dog to wear a muzzle. We are reward based trainers, we prefer to use positive reward based methods to train our dogs.


We realize that some dogs may have had bad experiences with muzzles and will simply will not accept free shaping or luring. If those dogs have aggression issues and may need to see a vet or just safely go outside wearing a muzzle,  those dogs are going to have to wear a muzzle even if they don't like it. We do feel that very very few dogs will not accept the ways Cindy and I work with our dogs.



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