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Possessive dog without Play Drive

Christina Stockinger

April 25, 2015 at 6:46am

Hi everybody,

I've got a Pitbull, Slippie, female 3 and a half years, who doesn't play at all with me nor with my husband, nor other people. She plays though with Socks, her sister of the same litter. I can throw a ball, tug or any other toy. When Slippie is alone she doesn't care at all, but when Socks used to play with us, she sometimes ran to pick the toy up, but would not bring it back to me.  Normally she let Socks do the work and kept waylaying in order to steel the toy from her.

I had already taken Marks Relationship course twice, once with Socks, once with Slippie. Mark had told me, not to play with them together, because Slippie would always win, which could destroy the drive of Socks, and also because it would not be beneficial for our relationship. Since then I only play with one at a time.  I've followed and am still following all the advices of the two courses, but Slippie is not in the least interested. She does not pick up any object, she only touches it halfheatedly with her nose.

With Socks and the other two dogs I can play without problem. They are crazy about Hide and Seek. The are not great tuggers yet, but I can see, that they are on the way.. I'm optimistic, if I keep training consistently.

Is there anyone of you, guys, who has experience with such dogs and could give me an advice? Or do you think I should simply accept, that she's got a completely different temperament than the other ones?

I'd be very grateful for every answer.


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