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New Puppy

Mary Beam

June 6, 2015 at 5:27pm

In March I got a new Smooth Fox Terrier puppy.  The little guy was born with a grade 4 in-operable luxated patella.  I saw tugging as a way to help him develop his muscles which will enable his leg to support the knee joint without pain.  The goal the surgeons gave us was to have the muscles of the leg with the luxation develop at a rate near to the development of the other leg.

I saw tug as a means to force the use  of the entire body, including the "bad" (for lack of a better term} leg.  It's working in ways I didn't think about.  Not only is the muscle developing at a good rate, it grew 1/4 inch more then the "good" leg's muscle according to the last measurement the ortho vet took.

Now to the things I didn't think about.  This pup and I have developed a strong relationship faster then I have ever done and I have a close relationship with all my dogs.  I think this relationship goes deeper.

SFT's are not known for their love of working with others but this little guy at 5 months was tugging like a mad man and returning the toy to me for more play.

I had only watched the first segment of this program when I started playing with him but I can confirm that it works.  He returns the tug , retrieves his balls and puts them in my hand and initiates play with his ball. 

He turned 7 months this month and is one of the nicest dogs to walk with and I think tugging even helped with that by creating a happy pup who wants to feel that pleasure of interaction by playing he became a pup who is happy to walk with me and just enjoy what ever we are doing.

This is a great program in many, many ways.

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