January 21, 2020 at 4:48am
Agree fully with Jake. Everything depends also on the individual dog. Short means: Certainly not longer than the dog is interested. If he doen't focus on you and the exercise, then he is either bored, distracted by something more interesting or simply hasn't understood the exercise yet. If my dogs perform it wrong, then I may try perhaps a second time dependend the individul dog. A third time never under those circumstances.
Better you break the session up and let this follow with something you know 100% it is eas for him. So he recieves a reward and end the session with the feeling of success. If he hasn't understood the exercise you must spliit it in easier pieces. For example you wznt him to go around you, then you can give him the Release + then his reward if has only performed a part of this circle. Once he's got this, you can from now on gradually ask for more.
Other example: My hubby wanted to train with one of the dogs. At that time our 3 dogs followed the Sit command immediately and correctly. But in this case one of the dogs was distracted because of some monkeys in yard. This for them a very high distraction. Better end the session or try the Sit on other place, where Doggie is not distracted.My Hubby tried to repeat various times, each time more impatient and louder. Finally he shouted: Sit!, Sit!!, Sit!!!. What does the dog learn this way? That the command isn't Sit! but: Sit, sit, sit. If he learns something at all.
I'd recommend Patience and never trying to teach, when I'm having no Focus from him..