January 6, 2017 at 7:27am
You're English is certainly much more than only ok!. Much better than mine.
To the topic: I also think, the different styles are more about the goals.
I though don't really like that Tyler doesn't give the dog a reason to break the position. I find the dog should know clearly the exercise is over. He can now do what he wants until Ihe recieves a new command. A good thing to have a pause between the exercises, some movement and getting the head free from the previous exercise. It loosens up the mind and body of the dog. That's the reason why most trainers don't simply dispense the food but make out of the delivery a reward event.
I also as a pet owner want a super motivated dog. during training, playing etc. Of course its different than with a sport dog. They are from their trainers thoroughly selected testing their characterics, temperaments etc. and then trained over time more intensely and also with more and more advanced methods.