September 21, 2016 at 11:57am
Hi, I'm Christina, 75, having dogs since age 71. Could not have dogs before, because of husband's allergie. Live in Brazil now, where I can have the dogs outdoors even in winter. I come from Switzerland, where it woudn't have been possible to leave a dog outdoors in the cold. (Although some people do!). I began with two Pits, sisters, 3 1/2 years. Later on I adopted two animals from the street, a Lab-Mix and a mixture of I don't know what, both about 2 1/2 years. They're all awesome, though not without bad behaviors, but they enriched my life incredibly. When I began I knew nothing about dogs. I had prepared myself though, googling and believed and tried out lots of rubbish. Until I found LB. This was my big eye opener. Well, that's why I am here!
Welcome all! Hope to read lots of your experiences!