Forgot Password
Enter your username or the email address associated with your account and we will email you a link with instructions to reset your password. Your password will not change until you reset it, so if you remember your password later, you will still be able to log in.
Trouble Signing In?
If you're having trouble signing in, here is a list of common problems to keep in mind, as well as a few things to try
before resetting your password.
- Passwords are case-sensitive. (Usernames and email addresses are not.)
- If you are using an internet browser that stores your username and password, it may be storing old login credentials (even after you supposedly update them). Clear out both the username and password fields, then retype your username, followed by your password. Clicking into or modifying the username sometimes tries to "fix" the new password after you've retyped it, so always enter your password last.
- Some mobile devices like to auto-capitalize the first letter or automatically add a space at the end of a word. If you are using a device with autocorrect or predictive text, make sure your username and password appear as you actually typed them.
- Copying and pasting between certain programs sometimes adds a space or invisible character. Try re-typing your login info manually, even if it appears normally to you.
- You can log in with either your username or email address. If you can't remember one, try logging in with the other.
- Your Leerburg Online University login information is the same as your login information. If you changed your password on, your university password will also have changed.