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Laura Hernandez

December 9, 2014 at 9:17am

I saw what looked like nylabones given to the dogs to chew on.

I have heard these are quite bad for them.

Am i wrong?

Or are there any guidelines to buying them?

Thank you!

john cook

December 14, 2014 at 10:18pm

From what I have read the best answer would ne for a less aggressive chewer with proper supervision.  There is the chance thwt small pieces can be scraped or broken off and swallowed .  

Catherine Goessman

December 24, 2014 at 11:04pm

Depends on the dog. My parents have used them for their dogs forever. Their only big chewer leaves them alone. I would NEVER give my dog one. My dog is a gulper. 

Siim Oja

February 22, 2015 at 11:25am

I use big skin chew bones for my dog. I can leave it in the crate and sometimes it takes him 4 days to finish one. I haven't found a better chew toy or food so far.

Jill Johnson

March 4, 2015 at 6:18am

My dogs love Nylabones. I have begun leaving one in the crate with my puppy. Once she settles down, I will hear her happily chewing. Nylabones are great products and durable. I would just be sure to inspect all your dog's toys consistently to make sure they are safe.

Michael Whitmyre

April 21, 2015 at 8:54pm

My previous staffy destroyed a med Nyla in one sitting. It was something to behold.
Keith Beatty

May 9, 2015 at 11:10pm

Nylabones are great! They are designed to be chewed and broken into small pieces no larger than  grain of rice. Some even have flavors and the parts that are swallowed just pass through the dog. Of course its important to throw them away when there is a small portion left so its not swallowed. They are also relatively inexpensive for the cost vs duration.

My dog can't get enough of them, and she goes through bully sticks in just under an hour in her crate. 

Alicia Chambers

November 1, 2016 at 11:30pm

My nylabones have held up better than any other toy I've gotten my Doberman.  I do keep an eye on her when she has one though and I don't leave her alone with one too long.

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