Feedback for Conditioning Your Dog to a Muzzle

Before I got the muzzle from you and had access to this training course, I had to go for the quick-and-dirty solution, buying a muzzle from the pet shop and making my dog wear it, without any proper knowledge of how to condition her to the muzzle. Just giving treats through the muzzle when she already had it on obviously didn't make her like it - know I understand why, after having been through this course. I skipped way too many steps, just to quote you, simply because I didn't know it any better.
I was able to transfer the way you use the word 'good' as an indicator of an ongoing task that's being rewarded into other aspects of life/training, which has been a game changer. I'd say my dog is well conditioned to her polymer coated wire muzzle, she plays with it, does her business while wearing it, and even starts wagging her tail when I grab the muzzle from the hook. She hasn't tried very hard to get rid of it at all, nothing compared to when she was wearing the old muzzle. I'm very grateful the muzzle came with this online course, so thank you.
What I liked in general about your philosophy of dog training is the fact that you explain 'your' ways of training but always acknowledge that there might be other reasons for why owners choose to do something different. This has really resonated with me, since that's one of the most inconvenient experiences I have made since training my dog and starting to work with certified dog trainers and volunteer trainers in the dog club. It's confusing if everyone thinks only their way is the right way of doing things, especially if the result (as in what the dog does) proves the opposite.
This was an inspiring sneak peek into what to expect when enrolling into your courses. I have just made the decision to move on with the course on leash reactivity. Thank you.

- Ines Lesniak on 12/05/2021

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